


When your airplanes are in flight, you can see their real time position! Every minute the radar will update every position of your airplanes. You can also decide which type you want to see (local, national, international or all). From the radar you will be able to: see the airplanes on ground, look at all the features of the flights in progress, figure out when an airplane diverts its course to make an emergency landing or when one of your airplanes crashes to the ground. It's also possible to view the radar for every single airplane.
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Assignment of a flight

When you proceed to an assignment of a flight for an aircraft, you will can open the map that will show you all the possibible destination that your aircraft can reach and will discard the impossible flight because of cargo. All the destination will be color on the base of type of flight (passenger or cargo) or on the base of the fact that the destination could be too far away in respect to fuel in the tank. the state will be color on the base of demand's percentage,this will let you to understand immediatly how much the next flight will can yield. On the map will be show all your hangar and your base in the world for understanding how much they are far from by your aircraftor by the next destinations. On this airports you will be able to choose to do a transfer and the icons will be different from the icons used by the airports with a flight on-coming with a commission.
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From this map tuo will can do refuelling (the fuel will be take by your stock or by the supplier), see the aricraft's statistics and the pilot's statistics.
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Assignment of a transfer

When you proceed to an assignment of a transfer foa an aircraft,you will be able to open the map that will show you all yhe possibible destination that your aircraft can reach in respect to the airport's tipology that you have selected. in practice you will be able to see:
  1. all the airports in a state
  2. all local airports in a state
  3. all national airports in an area
  4. all international airports in the world.
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Also in the transfer tha state will be color in base of the demand's percentage and will be show your hangars and your base in the world and on this you will be able to do a transfer but they will have a different icons in respect to the other airports.

Demand's and offer's map

The demand's map let to understand to glance the demand's percentage in all state. The offer's map show the aircrafts' traffic in all state in the last days. By this map we can see the average traffic of the last day until the average traffic of the last 15 days.
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Infrastructures' map

The infrastructures' map let you of see the position of all your hangar and of your base in the world. Moreover when you buy a new infrastructure , the map will show you all position of your hangar and you will be able to buy other hangar from this map.
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Flags' map

From the section of the recognitions you will be able to see for only state the flags' map. In practice you will be able to see for only state the visited airports and those to visit again on the map.

For only area you will be able to see the state of the visit for only state or obtain a map of the world that will show you with color how much state lack you and how much visit have done in each state.
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