
Fuel and refuelling procedure

The Fuel

Fuel obviously allows your aircrafts to fly. You can buy fuel in two different ways:
  1. Purchase on the apron: before the flight you can refuel your aircraft directly on the apron paying the daily price.
  2. Storage purchase: you can buy fuel to put in your depots. You pay the daily price on the date of purchase, but you can use the fuel whenever you want (even after a year!) and you can buy as much fuel as you want whenever you want. If you want to buy fuel for storage purposes you will be charged €100 fixed commissions, but you can qualify for a discount depending upon the quantity of fuel purchased:
    1. 1.0% discount: from 1001 lt to 4000 lt
    2. 1.5% discount: from 4001 lt to 7000 lt
    3. 2.0% discount: from 7001 lt to 11000 lt
    4. 2.6% discount: from 11001 lt to 30000 lt
    5. 3.2% discount: from 30001 lt to 61000 lt
    6. 3.8% discount: from 61001 lt to 101000 lt
    7. 4.4% discount: from 101001 lt to 141000 lt
    8. 5.0% discount: over 141000 lt
    The only limitation applied for this type of purchase is the depots storage limit. For further information see the section concerning depots and cisterns.


OPECM (the organization that controls the oil extraction) periodically issues statements concerning the future oil extraction. This kind of statements will indicate the trend of oil price in a medium to long term. You will see 5 different types of statement:
  1. OPECM has decided to significantly increase oil extraction: a trend way below the average price is expected in a medium to long term.
  2. OPECM has decided to increase oil extraction: a trend below the average price is expected in a medium to long term.
  3. OPECM has decided that oil extraction will maintain a regular rate: a trend around the average price is expected in a medium to long term.
  4. OPECM has decided to decrease oil extraction: a trend above the average price is expected in a medium to long term.
  5. OPECM has decided to significantly decrease oil extraction: a trend way above the average price is expected in a medium to long term.
Those statements will allow the users to decide when it’s better to buy fuel for their depots.

Refuelling procedure

When you refuel your aircraft you have to pay for refuelling fees. If you refuel buying the fuel directly on the apron you will be charged more than refuelling with your own fuel stored in the depots. Furthermore, the refuelling fees depend upon the type of aircraft refuelled: the bigger the aircraft, the more expensive will be the fees.